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Pendants in a soft shape
Beautiful gemstone pendants in a soft shape. We call it wave. The pendant is approximetely 30 mm high and 15 mm thick. You can wear it on a leather ribbon or on a thin silver chain. We have different stones with beautiful colours.
Red Jasper Gemstone Pendant Biconvex 30x15mm
Biconvex shaped gemstone pendant made of red jasper, which stands out through a very beautiful drawing, depending on the stone. It is good to wear in combination with a leather band or with a silver chain. Its surface is particularly smooth and cuddly.
Tigers Eye pendant Wave
Resplendent tigers eye decoration in a mad form. The mineral got its name in 19. Century after its blinzelnden effect. If one turns the stone in the light, a glow from the fibrous structure, which reminds of a tiger eye, results. A fascinating stone, which is made however also often synthetically of a kind glass. The genuine tiger eye is always brown. The synthetically manufactured stones are often colored and as cat eye are designated. The supporter is about 30 mm largely and 15 mm thickly. By those about 2 mm large drilling fits a leather volume optimally through. A tender silver queue chain lets the polished crystal work particularly nobly.
Amethyst Gemstone Pendant Gaby the wild 30x15mm
Radiantly beautiful pendant of amethyst gemstone with bore. Very attractive violet tone in good gem quality with less inclusions. This gemstone pendant fits very well to a leather band or a silver chain. It has a beautiful, evenly calm shape and therefore also elegant. This is additionally emphasized by its radiant smooth surface.
Carnelian pendant Wave
Red Carnelian - decoration in a mad form. The individual carnelian supporter is bored all crosswise and is suitable for a leather volume or a silver chain, depending upon taste. The chromatic spectrum of these beautiful jewel supporters reaches of a tender orange clay/tone up to strong orange. Each individual stone was polished by hand polished and.
For these decoration supporters from Karneol only the best stone quality was used. The Karneol is a symbol for life courage and good mood. The supporter is about 30 mm largely and 15 mm thickly. By those about 2 mm large drilling fits a leather volume optimally through. A tender silver queue chain lets the polished stone work particularly nobly.
Chrystal Quartz Pendant Wave
Lapislazuli pendant Wave
Lapislazuli decoration in a mad form. Each individual supporter was polished by hand polished and. Deep dark blue with golden pyrites inclusions distinguish this stone. And with this Schmucktück you have a Top jewel - quality as individual neck decoration. Beside Lapislazuli for this mineral also names we are used Lasurit or glaze stone. In former times one used Lapislazuli for Gravurarbieten, whereby one manufactures today jewel decoration such as balls for Halsketten, Cabochons or different art-commercial articles. The probably most famous occurrences of Lapislazuli are those of Badakschan at the Hindukuschgebirge in the north of Afghanistan. The supporter is about 30 mm largely and 15 mm thickly. By those about 2 mm large drilling fits a leather volume optimally through. A tender silver queue chain lets the polished crystal work particularly nobly.
Fluorite pendant Wave
30 mm and 15 mm big is the beautiful, transparent fluorite jewelry is in this great shape. Rainbow fluorite polished to high quality pendants.
Botswana Agate Pendant 30x15mm
Earth colored Botswana achat with beautiful drawing which look like the annual rings of a tree. Light transparency is reflected in the backlight. It is best to wear this pendant with a leather cord or a silver necklace.