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Chrysoprase Pendant unique
Natural chrysoprase pendants are pendants cut from genuine chrysoprase, which can usually be worn with a hole on a leather strap or a silver chain.
Chrysoprase usually occurs in nature in a relatively flat form, so very thick pieces are rather rare. In addition, beautiful brown mother rock is usually associated with the chrysoprase, which makes the gemstone all the more interesting.
Chrysoprase usually occurs in nature in a relatively flat form, so very thick pieces are rather rare. In addition, beautiful brown mother rock is usually associated with the chrysoprase, which makes the gemstone all the more interesting.
Chrysoprase Pendant Piece Unique 58x35mm
Shipping time: 6-14 days*
52,36 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Chrysoprase Pendant Unique Piece 50x34mm
Shipping time: 6-14 days*
47,60 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Chrysoprase Pendant Unique Piece 55x38mm
Shipping time: 6-14 days*
40,46 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Chrysoprase Pendant Piece Unique 51x47mm
Chrysoprase Pendant Piece Unique 51x47mm ist momentan ausverkauft !
Shipping time: 6-14 days*
46,41 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Chrysoprase Pendant Unique Piece 52x35mm
Chrysoprase Pendant Unique Piece 52x35mm ist momentan ausverkauft !
Shipping time: 6-14 days*
39,27 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs