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Jewel Holder
Donutholder and Jewel-holder are the perfekt alternatives for drilled tumble stones. With these cute holders you can even wear tumble stones without drill. All the beautifull jewel-holders are made of silver. Donutholder for semi-precious stones.
Donut Holder silver Butterfly
Donut Holder silver Butterfly. 18 mm. Donut holder from 925-er sterling silver suitably for all usual pi disks.
Donut Holder brushed silver
Donut Holder brushed silver like a spiral. 20 mm
Donut Holder silver with loop
Donut holder from 925-er sterling silver suitably for all usual pi disks. Finally you could carry the possibility for their mad stone donut at a silver chain, without it hangs diagonally on the chain. Such a holder is the high-quality alternative to a leather volume. With the silver element their piece of jewellery works particularly high-quality and elegantly. They are the long silver staff with the eye completely simply by the hole in the Donut and place it behind the spiral, completely. The spiral has a diameter of approximately 18 mm and the mobile silver eye is largely enough around the Donuthalter to silver queue chains or similar chains to be hung.