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Gemstone - acupressure
A special kind of massage: Gemstone - massage. The form of these sticks was created by Ewald Kliegel. With the point of the stone, you can work the refelx-zones best.
Bloodstone Massage Stick 65-80mm
Massager made of high quality Heliotrope (Bloodstone) to use in the stone massage with pencils made from real gemstones.
85 mm long
20 mm to 30 mm width increasing
Bloodstone Massage Styluses
Bloodstone Massage Styluses are ca 100 mm x 20 mm. It is a high polished gemstone Massage Styluses.
Breccia jasper massage rod round with grip surface 10-12cm
Size: 100 x 20 mm
Brekzien Jasper Massage Stick to make a wellness massage with Gemstone stick.
Fluorite rainbow massage stick rounded about 10-11cm gemstone wand
Real gemstone for massages.
Lapislazuli Massage Stick Round A+ 70*80mm
Petrified Wood Massage Stick Round
Size: 100 x 20 mm
Petrified Wood Massage Stick to make a wellness massage with Gemstone stick.
Red Jasper Massage Stick Round
Size: 100 x 20 mm
Red Jasper Massage Stick Round to make a wellness massage with Gemstone stick.
Rhodonite massage stick round 75-80mm
Rock Crystal Massage- Stick Big wands AA Point
Real gemstone for massages, akkupressur.
Schungite massage wand rounded about 12cm gemstone
Real gemstone for massages.
Sodalite Massage Stick Round
Size: 100 x 20 mm
Sodalite Massage Stick to make a wellness massage with Gemstone stick.
Tiger's Eye Massager roud 80-100mm
Tiger's eye massager, carefully polished and faceted. Gemstone pen made of genuine tiger's eye for the precious stone massage.
Agate Massage-Stick red
Real gemstone for massages.
Amazonite Massage- Stick
Amethyste Massage- Stick
Real gemstone for massages, akkupressur.
Aquamarine massage-stick, faccettiert 7cm
Real gemstone for massages.
Aventurine Massage- Stick
Real gemstone for massages.
Carnelian massage-stick rounded
Real gemstone for massages.
Carnelian massage-stick small 70mm
Massage stick.
Gemstones for massages.
Carnelian massage-stick small 90*15mm
Carnelian massage stick.
Real gemstone for massages.
Crystal massage-stick
Real gemstone for massages.
Crystal massage-stick
Real gemstone for massages.
Hematite massage-stick, facettiert
Real gemstone for massages.
Korea Jade Massage Stick
Korea Jade Massage Stick Round is ca. 100 x 20 mm. It is high polished gemstone.
Labradorite massage-stick
Real gemstone for massages.
Lapislazuli Calcite Massage Stick Round
Size: 80 x 20 mm
Lapislazuli Calcite Massage Stick to make a wellness massage with Gemstone stick.
Massage Stick Botswana Agate
Mookaite massage-stick
Moos Agate Massage Stick Round
Size: 100 x 20 mm
Moos Agate Massage Stick to make a wellness massage with Gemstone stick.
Orange Calcite Massage-Wand Stick
Round gemstone for massages and akkupressur. The yellow calcite brings sun in your life.
Rosa Quartz Massage Wand Stick Round 80/100mm A
Rosa Quartz Massage Stick Round is ca. 100 x 20 mm. A
min 1 pcs. | per 8,70 EUR |
min 5 pcs. | per 6,96 EUR |
Rose Quartz Massage-stick
Real gemstone for massages.
Tiger's Eye Massager 70mm
70 mm long tiger's eye massager, carefully polished. Gemstone pen made of genuine tiger's eye for the precious stone massage.
min 1 pcs. | per 10,12 EUR |
min 2 pcs. | per 7,14 EUR |
Tiger's Eye Massager faceted
80 mm long tiger's eye massager, carefully polished and faceted. Gemstone pen made of genuine tiger's eye for the precious stone massage.
Wood Massage- Stick
130 mm is the wooden massage stick.