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Crystals to energise your drinking water
Several minerals and crystals have the ability to energise water.
Find here a wide variety of assorted sets to energise / re-vitalise your drinking water. The most famous composition is rose quarz, crystal and amethyst.
Wholesale: The big packs for retailers you find at Big Packs. Water energising is easy and you get it for reliable prices. You can advance easyly the quality of your drinking water.
Instead of buying expensive equipment, drinking water energization can be reduced to simple Perform with the help of gemstones at home. Gems have their own Vibrations that have a positive effect on the water. Pure water and oxygen enliven the human organism and increase our performance like that fresh water from a mountain spring. With every sip of bioenergized water passes also that substance in us, which provides us with vitality and informs all body cells with healthy growth. Energetisierte water provides better implementation of all water-soluble substances, for a special slag removal and thus also serves the weight control. Pure tap water or bottled in glass or plastic bottles is made of natural medicine Viewed as dead water because of chemical additives and industrial bottling the vital properties were withdrawn. Spring water, however, was in Earth's interior informed of bioenergetic gemstones and crystals. The same as the Minerals and crystals are given to the water through its long way in the earth's interior You can use gemstones with ordinary tap water or osmosis reach filtered water yourself. Try it, you will make the difference taste right away. Living water can contribute significantly to your well-being. Moreover, stone water can also be used for cooking, baking, desserts or personal hygiene. |
Cleaning, charging the water stones:In general, all stones should be thoroughly cleaned with water before they are used for drinking water. You can use them in the moonlight or |
Wassersteine Methode mit Reagenzglas :This is the recommended method for water boulders: |
Waterstones Method Place stones in the water :Add approx. 50 g of stones or a little more to a glass jug per liter and mix with |
Waterstones Method Initiate energies with crystal :Use a rock crystal tip to get the energies into the water. All you need is the top of a rock crystal. Simply place the tip between the stones and the glass jug or the water glass. Wait 1 or 2 hours. |
Grundsätzliche Anmerkung:
Gems that should not be used for essences or stone water:
Here you will find a selection of different compiled water treatment sets. (Water recovery). The most famous mixture is rose quartz, rock crystal and amethyst. - Also very tasty. Below from the encyclopaedia of healing stones by Michael Gienger:
Rock Crystal (Clarity): Can stimulate the body's powers and raise awareness. Should support rheumatism and heart problems.
Rose Quartz (balm for the soul): Can mobilize and support the natural defenses and can increase the well-being.
Amethyst (Calming): Can Improve Restless Sleep is available in the Healing Literature at Keywords for Lungs, Respiration, and Nerves. Drinking water can have a relaxing effect on headaches. (Amethystos: Sobriety - "Provides Sober Vision") Discover
For the individual water revitalization also the other minerals like the red jasper or the magnesite. If you use the red jasper for water energization, the mineral can boost your digestion. Together with the magnesite, the gemstone should help to lose weight. Water revitalization with magnesite can improve oxygen uptake via the blood and regulate hormone balance. Source: The Stone Healing and the Encyclopedia of Healing Stones by M. Gienger. Use this book for more tips on personal water revitalization. Safety note: Do not place the water stones directly in the water but in another glass, eg a test tube.
Wholesale: The various types of stone for water treatment are in the categories for tumbled-kg goods or large quantities of raw stones. For this you must be registered as a dealer in the shop! If we are to assemble the sets for you in larger quantities, please contact us. Gemstone water and gemstone water are best produced by yourself and do not buy ready-made water. So you can vary with the different stones and change the taste and the possible effect.
We are obliged to point out that the effect of gemstones and healing stones, minerals and crystals, is scientifically undetectable or medically recognized. It does not replace a medical advice or medical assistance. Everything written on our website is our opinion and does not provide instructions for therapy or diagnosis in the medical sense.