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Silverrings with pearl
Rings with pearl
Silver rings with a pearl. What is more classical ?
- But they see themselves , not a trace of stale or boring . Quite the contrary . The new designs of living of tension and harmony that lies in this combination. The different shapes of the rings give the whole lot of individuality. The ring settings are made of sterling silver, a noble material , which is also sometimes used , depending on the global economy as an investment. The inlaid pearls are natural genuine pearls, not plastic.
- Pearls are judged according to their " luster " , according to the size and of course according to their shape .
the rounder and larger are such genuine shell pearls , the more expensive they are traded .
with Shell Beads I mean pearls that are grown in a shell . Previously, the favorable pearl everything fresh water pearls , these days there are huge farms in the Chinese sea all the way down to the Indonesian islands , which are maintained by the sea, because this is usually now already cheaper than the pearl to grow in lakes. - Genuine silver with freshwater pearls or saltwater pearls .
53,00 EUR
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56,00 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
56,00 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
64,00 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
65,00 EUR
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Silverring Water Drop rhodoniert
Shipping time: 2-5 Days*
Special price 46,41 EUR
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Silver Ring Sun
42 mm Silver Ring Sun
Silver Ring Sun ist momentan ausverkauft !
Shipping time: 2-5 Days*
80,92 EUR
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